@inrupt/solid-client-access-grants / interfaces
Module: interfaces#
Type Aliases#
Ƭ IssueAccessRequestParameters: InputAccessRequestParameters
Required parameters to request access to one or more Resources.
: WebID of the Agent requesting access to the given Resources.requestorInboxUrl
: (Optional.) URL that an access grant receipt may be posted to.resourceOwner
: WebID of an Agent controlling access to the given Resources.access
: Level access to request on the given Resource. See https://docs.inrupt.com/developer-tools/api/javascript/solid-client/interfaces/access_universal.access.html.resources
: Array of URLs of the Resources to which access is requested.purpose
: (Optional.) URL representing what the requested access will be used for.issuanceDate
: (Optional, set to the current time if left out.) Point in time from which the access should be granted.expirationDate
: (Optional.) Point in time until when the access is needed.inherit
: (Optional.) If Access is targeted at a container, it will not apply recursively to contained resources if this is set to false. Defaults totrue
Defined in#